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Compost - ES

SKU CES14050101
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Our MBG BioBalanced Compost - ES is a handmade and all-natural product that is perfect for enriching your soil and promoting healthy plant growth. Made from a diverse blend of organic materials, this compost is rich in essential nutrients that your plants need to thrive. Our unique process ensures that the compost is fully matured and ready to use, so you can enjoy the benefits of healthy soil and vibrant plants without any hassle. Whether you're an experienced gardener or just starting out, our ES Compost is the perfect choice for anyone who wants to improve their garden's health and vitality.


This product is perfect for Early Successional plants like Vegetables, Grasses, and much more. ES plants like Legal "tomatos" require a greater Bacterial Biomass to Fungal Biomass ratio (B:F) to grow healthy and strong. The organism growth in this box is more bacterially dominant than it is fungal at this maturation level. Making it very appropriate for Vegetables, Grasses and other ES plants that require those biomass levels in the soil to grow their best. Please visit our website for more information.





This is a 504 in3 box of biologically balanced compost. This material is alive. Compost boxed at appropriate 50% H20 to 50% o2. Organisms need both air and water to continue healthy growth.

Biological Data

Minimum levels in this box: 

Bacterial Biomass: 135 ug/g compost

Fungal Biomass: 135 ug/g compost

F:B ratio = or > .3:1

Protozoans 10,000/g compost

Beneficial Nematodes: 100/g compost

Ciliate's must be less than 5/drop @ 1:5 dilution


DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: THIS PRODUCT IS SOLD “AS IS”. MBG EXPRESSLY EXCLUDES AND DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES ARISING FROM A PURPORTED COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE, PERFORMANCE, QUALITY, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND REMEDIES: MBG’S liability for any losses, damages, or injuries resulting from the use or handling of this product shall be limited to the replacement of the product or a refund of the purchase price, at MBG’s option. This is an exclusive remedy. In no event shall MBG be liable for any special, incidental, or consequential damages. REPACKAGING PROHIBITION: This product shall not be repackaged for resale without advanced written permission of MBG.

Chemical Analysis


Available Nutrients in (mg/L)

Nutrient (mg/L) Optimum Level
P 25.4 6-10 VH
K 1,514.60 150-249 VH
Mg 50.2 70+ M
Ca 89.4 200+ M
Cu 0.06 0.005-0.5 Opt
Mn 0.13 0.02-3 Opt
B 0.51 0.05-0.5 H
Zn 0.16 0.3-3 L
Fe 0.58 0.3-3 Opt
Nitrate - N 454 ppm Bacterial biomass food VH
Amoniacal - N 3 ppm Fungal Biomass food L
Organic - N 3.08 % Analysis (Dry Weight)  
Total - N 3.18% Analysis (Dry Weight)  

Table Key: 

N =nitrogen, P =phosphorus, K =potassium, Mg =magnesium, Ca =calcium, Cu =copper, Mn =manganese, B =boron, Zn =zinc, Fe =iron 

* L =low, M =medium, Opt =optimum, H =high, VH =very high

*Data provided by NJ State accredited soil chemistry lab.  

PH Analysis

ph = 7.5

*Data provided by State accredited soil chemistry lab. 

Total Lead

Total lead (Pb) by portable X-Ray Fluorescence

(US EPA method 6200 performed on dry, ground/sieved soil)

**Rutgers Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet FS336 provides information about lead in soil.

US EPA Lead Soil Test = 23 ppm

US EPA Lead Test Interpretation: These levels are very low. Material is at background levels. 

US EPA Lead Soil Test1 Mehlich-3 Soil Test Lead (ppm)2 Interpretation and Action
0–100 0–47 Soil test is at background levels. It is still a good idea to follow the strategies listed below to protect children's health.
101–300 47–202 Soil has elevated levels of lead, though below the recommended action limits. Follow the strategies to protect children's health, listed below.
301–400 202–278 Soil test indicates that there is significant contamination with lead. Follow strategies to protect children's health, listed below. It is suggested that children sunder the age of six, who may have been repeatedly exposed to the soil be tested for blood lead level and be examined by a physician.
Greater than 400 Greater than 278 This is the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection soil clean-up criterion for residential soil. It recommends that children under the age of six, who may have been repeatedly exposed to the soil, be tested for blood lead level and be examined by a physician. Vegetables for consumption should not be grown in this soil.

1The formula for conversion: (US EPA soil test lead) = 1.4 x (Mehlich-3 soil test lead) + 41.
2Parts per million (mg Pb/kg soil).

*Data provided by NJ State accredited soil chemistry lab. 

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