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Compost Extracts

Unlock the power of the beneficial microbes in MBG Extract, your key to enriching soil health and promoting sustainable growth in your garden or on your farm.


A carefully crafted biologically complete extract is a testament to the biological approach to growing plants, harnessing the synergistic forces of microorganisms, carefully selected organic matter, water and time.

Making an Extract

Watch an MBG Extraction in Action.

MBG Compost
MBG BioBalanced Compost

This is a biologically engineered concentrate rich in beneficial microbes essential for the regeneration of soil environments.

Matured to perfection, ES compost is specifically formulated for early successional vegetative plants such as legal "tomatos", vegetables, grasses, flowers, and more. Hand-turned with precision, each stack of this product is carefully matured and monitored across multiple data points to ensure optimal quality.


Elevate your gardening experience with the transformative benefits of biologically balanced compost.


Enriched with a diverse community of microorganisms, this compost supercharges your soil, fostering a harmonious ecosystem for your plants.


Experience improved nutrient absorption, enhanced soil structure, and a flourishing garden. Unleash the power of nature in your backyard – choose biologically balanced compost for a vibrant and sustainable garden.

MBG Compost Extract is the perfect solution for farmers, gardeners, or anyone looking to improve soil health. This extract is created through a process of growing good aerobic biology in biobalanced compost, resulting in a liquid inoculum full of beneficial bacteria, nematodes, fungi, amoebae, and flagellates. This natural brew can be applied directly to the soil surface, without the risk of nutrient burn.

Unveiling the Magic: How Biologically Balanced Compost Revolutionizes Agriculture and Gardening

In the ever-evolving landscape of sustainable farming and gardening, a silent hero is emerging to reshape the way we cultivate our crops and tend to our gardens – biologically balanced compost. This powerful, natural elixir is rewriting the rulebook on soil health, proving to be a game-changer for cannabis farmers, golf course managers, and home gardeners alike.

The Essence of Biologically Balanced Compost

At its core, biologically balanced compost is a rich concoction of organic matter teeming with a diverse community of microorganisms. These microorganisms include bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and nematodes, creating a microbial symphony that brings life to the soil. Unlike traditional compost, which may lack this microbial diversity, biologically balanced compost acts as a powerhouse, enhancing the soil ecosystem.

A Resilient Ecosystem for Green Flower Farmers

For legal tomato farmers seeking optimal yields and sustainable practices, biologically balanced compost is a secret weapon. The microbial diversity in this compost promotes a healthy, resilient soil structure, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. This, in turn, results in a more sustainable and cost-effective cultivation process. The compost's ability to foster nutrient absorption creates an ideal environment for green flowering plants to thrive, producing robust, high-quality yields.

Greener Fairways with Liquid Applications on Golf Courses

Golf course superintendents are turning to biologically balanced compost for liquid applications, such as Compost Tea Brews and Compost Extracts, to rejuvenate their fairways. These liquid applications infuse the soil with life, creating a nutrient-rich environment that promotes lush, vibrant turf. The immediate bioavailability of nutrients ensures efficient uptake, contributing to healthier turf growth and a more visually appealing course. Golf courses embracing biologically balanced compost not only witness improved aesthetics but also contribute to environmental sustainability by reducing reliance on synthetic chemicals.

Thriving Gardens with Nature's Perfect Blend

Home gardeners, too, are experiencing a gardening renaissance with the incorporation of biologically balanced compost. The microbial community in this compost enhances nutrient cycling, improves soil structure, and boosts overall plant health. Gardens fortified with biologically balanced compost become vibrant ecosystems, attracting beneficial insects and creating a natural defense against pests and diseases. From flower beds to vegetable patches, this compost provides a sustainable foundation for a thriving garden.

The Science Behind the Magic

The magic of biologically balanced compost lies in its ability to mimic the natural processes of a healthy ecosystem. The diverse microorganisms work synergistically to break down organic matter, releasing essential nutrients into the soil. This dynamic process not only enriches the soil with nutrients but also improves its structure, water-holding capacity, and aeration.

Cultivating a Sustainable Future

As we witness the transformative impact of biologically balanced compost across diverse fields, from green flower cultivation to golf course management and home gardening, it becomes clear that the future of agriculture lies in working hand-in-hand with nature. By harnessing the power of microbial diversity, biologically balanced compost offers a sustainable solution that goes beyond conventional practices. Whether you're a green flower farmer aiming for optimal yields, a golf course superintendent striving for greener fairways, or a home gardener cultivating a vibrant oasis, biologically balanced compost is nature's gift for a thriving and sustainable future.


The key to getting your brews and extracts working for you is repeatability. When you apply a proper compost tea brew, the biology will stick to the surfaces of the leaves. Make sure you repeat the application process so you can build up to 70% living biological coverage on your plants. 

How Extracts and Brews Work

Compost Extracts

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